

The Project Gallery is a collection of projects produced by members of our fiscal sponsorship program and other Creative Visions impact media programs. This includes projects that are currently in production, as well as completed projects. 

No Bully Program

CAUSE: Education

CATEGORY: Multimedia

PROJECT DIRECTOR: Nicholas Carlisle

The No Bully program provides coaching for school leaders and training for teachers in how to create a bully-free school. The training is currently delivered in person and a virtual training series using the power of film to engage teacher participation is in development. At the heart of the training series is the No Bully System® which guides K–12 school leaders and teachers through a series of interventions for ending bullying and building an inclusive school culture and climate. The No Bully program is now delivered to schools across the world by Power of Zero, a non-profit organization launched to counter the rise in online childhood bullying and hate. Through their trainings and campaigns, they are setting up the next generation to harness the positive power of the Internet and end hate speech, bullying, and violence.


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