

The Project Gallery is a collection of projects produced by members of our fiscal sponsorship program and other Creative Visions impact media programs. This includes projects that are currently in production, as well as completed projects. 

Left Alone

CAUSE: Human Rights



LEFT ALONE is a postmodern mystery set in a world where the concept of a shared, universal, fact-based truth is eroding. Protagonist Tyson is forced to navigate the blurred lines of the internet's truth and, more often, lies. His unique ability to solve this case comes down to how he reframes the question, can lies tell the truth? Capturing everything with devices (iPhone, body cams, surveillance) in their native form accurately portrays how our characters use technology in an intimate and voyeuristic way.

Tyson may be restricted to his apartment, but his boundaries are endless with the virtual world at his disposal. Tyson's thoughts are illuminated through messages typed but never sent. FaceTime calls become high-stakes interrogations, message boards become conspiracy theorists' havens, and physical altercations instead break out in the comments section. Being confined is Tyson's secret weapon: the screen format expands his ability to explore deeper, darker corners than a traditional detective could.


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